The Issue With Labour Rights in Trucking
The Canadian supply chain is being challenged to comply with the recently introduced Modern Slavery Act. The CTA’s president spoke at a recent Canadian supply chain conference in Edmonton where he discussed the effects of modern slavery in the trucking industry.
The Canadian supply chain is failing to comply with a newly introduced modern slavery act this act is created to prevent corporate involvement and consumer purchasing of products produced by illegal labor practices the Canadian Trucking Alliance spoke at the supply chain Canada conference in Edmonton and they highlighted how labor abuse and modern slavery and trucking is growing CTA president Steven Laskowski says companies need to pay close attention to who their transportation providers are he goes on to say if you’re employing a provider who defies basic labor rights you may be exposed to many of the violations and unscrupulous Behavior you’re trying to protect workers from he explains that fleets using the driver Inc model to reduce costs are doing so by violating human rights yet are rewarded by the Canadian supply chain CTA is offering to educate companies on addressing these issues you can reach out to them via email: [email protected]
Key Insights
- The Modern Slavery Act requires stricter oversight to eliminate labor abuses in supply chains.
- Companies using transportation providers engaged in exploitative labor practices, such as Driver Inc., risk exposure to violations of labor rights and reputational harm.
- The CTA is offering educational resources to help businesses address and prevent these issues.